Entertainment & Education Resources
Educational Resources
Coronavirus: A book for children published by Nosy Crow, answers key questions about the pandemic in a simple language appropriate for 5 to 9 year olds.
Future Learn courses to help you manage your own mental health and support others who are struggling.
Google Open Heritage – explore iconic locations in 3D!
Hafan Cymru Activity Packs for children and teenagers.
History videos and audio resources
Meet the animals at Chester Zoo and access a range of educational resources for at home learning!
My Covid-19 Time Capsule Worksheets for children to have something to have something to look back on! The link may require you to sign in, scroll down and select ‘no thanks, continue to view’.
The Skills Toolkit free digital and numeracy courses.
The Wildlife Trust There are still lots of ways that you can help wildlife during this time. Find lots of activities to keep you entertained as well as activity sheets to download.
Twinkl teacher-created Primary teaching materials and resources for outside the classroom. Available in English and Welsh.
URBrainy free primary maths and English resources to use at home.
Virtual College offer free online e-learning courses.
Welsh Libraries have launched a Facebook group called ‘Online Book Group Wales‘ – a great opportunity for you to read along with this online community and share your thoughts on the chosen book.
CAMHS Resources for young people and carers to help support your mental health and well-being.
ChatterPack online boredom-busters and learning resources.
Creative Wellbeing Activity Toolkit full of creative activities for people living with dementia, their families and carers.
Coed Lleol Small Woods Wales are offering free nature & wellbeing sessions via Zoom to improve peoples wellbeing by connecting to nature.
Digital Communities Wales resource hub of things to do whilst in isolation and how to keep in touch with family and friends.
Edinburgh Zoo Live Cams – watch the pandas, penguins, tigers and koalas!
Free online wordsearch, crosswords and sudoku puzzles.
Harry Potter At Home Hub to help children, parents, carers and teachers add a touch of Harry Potter magic to our new daily lives. Includes free fun activities, quizzes and more!
Online museum gallery tours, Disney World tours, aquariums and more!
The Wildlife Trust Things to see, things to make, colouring sheets, activity sheets and more!
101+ Virtual tours of popular tourist attractions around the world!
British Red Cross Free Digital Classrooms for children (aged 10-19) and adults.
BT How to Master the Basics Being able to use a computer and access the internet can open up a whole new world of opportunity. Start here with the basics.
BT Skills For Tomorrow Learn new skills for all areas of your life! Free courses on things such as online shopping/banking, using social media, keeping safe online, accessing public services online (such as GP, NHS, Universal credit) and more.Â
BT Tech Tips AÂ series of videos and guides to help you, your family and friends learn about different technologies and how to get the most out of them.
Digital Communities Wales can help you get online. Digital technology will be crucial in the coming months to help people stay connected, find reliable information, shop for necessities and stay healthy. They have also put together a resource hub of free educational resources.
Virgin Media – Easy Ways to Stay Connected Guide features a list of essential apps and guides to help you get – and stay – connected.
Keeping Active
Deeside Health and Fitness videos.
Dru Yoga & Relaxation Online Sessions Dru yoga is based upon soft flowing movements and is a potent means of stress relief. It can help reduce isolation & relieve some of the stress & anxiety we are all feeling in these uncertain times. For information on how to get involved email Jill.
Flamingo Chicks dance classes for disabled children, relaxation techniques for parents and carers and more!
Later Life Training home based exercise programmes. From chair based exercises, postural stability strength and balance to exercise and fitness after stroke.
MS Society yoga, seated pilates and wheelchair based exercise videos.Â
P.E lessons with Joe Wicks (The Body Coach)Â
Physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64 from the NHS Adults should do some type of physical activity every day. Any type of activity is good for you. Follow these simple guidelines and workout videos.
The Neuro Therapy Centre have some online classes including seated exercises etc.
Mindfulness / Relaxation
Calm Take a Deep Breath offers lots of meditation, mindfulness and relaxation resources as many of us are navigating through the uncertainty of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Meditainment guided meditation for stress reduction, rest and recharge.
Explore meditation and Ayurvedic knowledge to support your wellbeing. Jadine from Jade Tree Healing will lead you through a guided meditation whilst facilitating yogic breath work to help you connect to mindfulness. Get started with the online sessions now!
Try the art of Zentangling with this step by step tutorial from Holistic Therapist Emma Sims. All you need is a pen and a piece of paper!