About the project
The ‘Connecting Carers in the Community’ project, funded from 2023, focuses on working more closely with carers, volunteers and partners to create and develop new opportunities to connect with each other. NEWCIS wants to actively put co-production into practice, demonstrating what positive outcomes can be achieved by embedding carers and volunteers more heavily into the development of the service.
What does this mean in practice?
- Providing holistic assessments to better understand needs ensuring carers are more informed and better connected, particularly new carers.
- Providing carer breaks that offer a chance to re-connect and reduce isolation.
- Creating new opportunities to increase resilience through co-production working in particular with volunteers, young carers and parent carers.
- Widen the scope of friendships by connecting carers locally, nationally and internationally.

We’ll be actively recruiting and training volunteers to help deliver and steer the project so please do get in touch if you want to get involved!
Community Garden Project

The Community Garden Project was set up as part of our last funding round by the National Lottery Community Fund. We want to broaden and increase our reach. Take a look at our dedicated webpage page to find out more and get involved.
Contact us
- 01352 752525
- enquiries@newcis.org.uk

Funded by The National Lottery Community Fund / Ariannwyd gan Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol. Click the Welsh flag icon located in the footer to translate this page to Welsh / Cliciwch ar yr eicon baner Cymru sydd yn y troedyn i gyfieithu'r dudalen hon i'r Gymraeg.