Adult Learners Week 2021
Do you care for someone? Do you want to get back into employment, education or volunteering?
Our COPE (Carers Opportunity and Participation in Employment) Officers helps to assist carers with employment/or lifelong learning, volunteering opportunities and community-based activity. We are here to support you to be able to achieve your goals in whatever way is appropriate much of which may be signposting, information gathering and liaising with other agencies such as employers, college, community groups etc depending upon what your individual needs are. The project can also support carers who currently work.
Drop in to our Zoom session on Wednesday 22nd September from 1pm to put your questions to our COPE Officers and get started with your new chapter!
Adult Learners Week 2021:
North East Wales ACL
Groundwork Adult Community Learning Courses
Groundwork Training have been working with Wrexham Adult and Community Learning Partnership to offer our specially formulated Pathway Courses. Courses have been delivered very successfully through group online video sessions and learners completing workbooks and accessing support as needed to help them achieve.
Courses include IT skills, confidence building, wellbeing, ‘Nail That Interview’, ‘Get Back Into Work’ and more!
Coleg Cambria
Improve your job prospects, gain a qualification and further improve your skills in English and Maths with these FREE courses.
'What about me?' Open University Course
‘What About Me?’ is a personal development course for carers in Wales. It will help you to identify and reflect on your experiences, interests, skills and your future aspirations. You will also have the opportunity to develop a personal action plan to take forward beyond the course.