What support do Alzheimer’s carers really need?

What support do Alzheimer’s carers really need?

According to the Alzheimer’s Society, there are more than 670,000 people in the UK caring for people with dementia and these are mostly unpaid roles involving people caring for relatives or friends.

Many dementia patients are cared for through live-in care services by professional care staff who receive professional support and training. However, some are dependent on family members or friends who can easily become overwhelmed by the onerous task of caring 24/7 for a person with dementia. There’s no doubt that caring for a dementia patient takes a huge amount of dedication, time and effort, whether you’re a professional carer or not, and the emotional burden can weigh heavily. This is why carers should do everything they can to obtain support and help from friends, family and relevant support groups and organisations.

The Alzheimer’s Society

The Society works continually to pressure local authorities and GPs to follow the guidelines laid down by the Care Act to assess the support needs of carers and provide support where necessary. The Alzheimer’s Society provides a dementia directory for carers seeking support in their local area. Their dementia support line can be reached on 0333 150 3456 or you can access a range of online services on Find support near you | Alzheimer’s Society (alzheimers.org.uk).

The Alzheimer’s Society is also calling for extra financial help for unpaid dementia carers. The Society believes that the carers’ allowance should be increased and that the unjust cap on carers’ earnings, currently at £102 per week, should be ended in order to increase the numbers of carers.

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