Flu and Covid-19 Vaccinations for Unpaid Carers

Flu and Covid-19 Vaccinations for Unpaid Carers

Did you know that unpaid carers are eligible for flu and COVID-19 vaccines this winter?  Vaccination is one of the safest and most effective ways of preventing you and those you care for from getting seriously ill.  If you haven’t had an invitation to be vaccinated against flu and/or COVID-19, you’ll find your local health board’s website which will have all the details on how to get vaccinated in your area here.

Please note: When you click on this link, you will also need to click on the bar near the top of the webpage that says ‘Click here to find out how to get your Flu and COVID-19 vaccines.

This will take you to contact details for your local health board to ask for the vaccines. You will need to do this because there is not a system in place to call up unpaid carers. You will need to contact your health board and request the vaccines, because you are an unpaid carer.

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