NEWCIS to open New Carers Centre in Wrexham
NEWCIS, a provider of carer services for unpaid carers in North East Wales, are opening a new carers centre in the centre of Wrexham city.
An unpaid carer is anyone who cares, unpaid (not including benefits), for a relative, partner or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or substance misuse problems.
NEWCIS provides a lifeline to carers of all ages and backgrounds and offers a range of services tailored to meet individual needs.
Services include information about financial support, an award-winning respite scheme, carer needs assessments, counselling, training, peer support groups, GP and hospital support and much more.
NEWCIS can help you access the information, guidance and support you need to help you in your caring role. As well as informing you about your rights as an unpaid carer.
Wrexham County Borough Council commission NEWCIS to deliver a service to unpaid carers across Wrexham and work collaboratively with NEWCIS to ensure as many carers as possible are reached, identified and supported.
NEWCIS will be hosting an open day on Monday 6th March from 11am – 2pm at the new carers centre. Unpaid carers who are residents of Wrexham are invited to look around the new centre, meet the team and find out more about the services available.
The address is 3A Edison Court, Wrexham Technology Park, LL13 7YT (just behind the Ramada Hotel).
Booking is not required. There is parking around the back of the building or if traveling by bus we are on a direct bus route.
“NEWCIS is proud to open the new carers centre located in the centre of Wrexham, and close to the Maelor hospital. We hope that carers will use it as a place that they can drop into for support, attend training courses and social events. The team at Wrexham are experienced in supporting carers across Wrexham and may be able to offer you some advice and support. NEWCIS works in partnership with Wrexham County Borough Council to ensure that carers are given the right information at the right time and that you are listened too and supported. Please come along to meet us, we look forward to seeing you all.” Says Claire Sullivan, NEWCIS Chief Executive Officer.
Cllr John Pritchard, Lead Member for Adult Social Care, said: “It’s fantastic that we are having a new carers centre that will give guidance and support to all the wonderful unpaid carers across Wrexham.
“Being a carer can be very difficult and it can be easy to feel isolated and alone at times, so having somewhere you can drop in to get any help you need, as well as access valuable information easily, will be really important. We encourage our unpaid carers to come to the open day on Monday, March 6 to get a feel of the different types of support that will be available to them.”